INtroduction to the jones library capital campaign

Libraries are more essential to the strength of our communities than ever, especially in uncertain times when clear and trustworthy information is hard to find. The Jones Library is a good example–the rare public space that is used by 230,000 people each year from all walks of life and from across generations not just to borrow books but also to gather for all kinds of educational and civic activities that enrich our Town.

Yet every day, The Jones Library patrons and staff deal with a building that just doesn’t work. The critical services our Library provides have outgrown the space we have. The beloved building itself is in sore need of repair.

The Jones Library Building Project is a
once-in-a-generation opportunity to remedy all of these shortcomings, creating a facility that will be:

  • The entire community’s living room, offering welcoming, neutral gathering spaces to harness the collaborative energy that is the hallmark of the daily life of our Town.

  • A magic place where many children first encounter the wonders that books make possible and enjoy free, lively programs in a space designed for them.

  • A magic place for adults as well, where they can discover unexpected treasures while browsing the fully accessible shelves, or participate in one of the many cultural and educational programs.

  • A gathering spot for teens, providing their own non-commercial space that uniquely meets their needs.

  • A welcoming place where vulnerable community members can find the resources and technology they might not otherwise be able to access.

  • A transformational place where English language learners have room to meet with tutors to unlock the complexities of new language and culture; a place where immigrants study to become citizens.

  • A secure archive in which important moments in Town and literary history, such as marked-up manuscripts of Robert Frost poems, are accessible.

  • A downtown anchor that will bring people to town and contribute to Amherst’s economic vibrancy.

As Amherst’s largest civic infrastructure initiative in thirty years, the Jones Library Building Project is notable for the partnership of political will, state and local government support, and private giving that makes it possible. The Jones Library Capital Campaign is an essential component of that partnership, and an opportunity for individuals and institutions to work together to secure the future of our Library and the vitality of our Town. We hope you will join us.

“Jones Library is definitely a great resource for people who need to know where to find specific information.  If you ask the librarians, they’ll always help you find what you need.”

-Sasha Diamond, Age 15
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