FUnding the project

Foundational support for The Jones Library Building Project comes from the Town of Amherst ($15.8 million) and the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners ($13.8 million). Both commitments are conditioned upon raising the remaining costs from other sources. Toward this end, the Jones Library Capital Campaign seeks to secure the additional funds needed through institutional support, historic tax credits, business contributions, and individual gifts of all sizes.

Current Funding Sources

How can
I help? 

The Friends of the Jones Libraries are asking everyone who is able to join in this historic effort to revitalize what is surely one of the most important components of Amherst’s civic infrastructure.

Gifts to the Jones Library Capital Campaign may be made in any of the following ways:

“I feel like the library project is very important to the town of Amherst and the cost needs to be split between the taxes and private contributions. It is a huge undertaking and will not happen without individual support. That’s why I contribute."

- Barry Roberts
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